
2022年3月1日—WithaDNScachingservicerunningonyournetwork,onceanyonedeviceonyournetworkobtainsanumberassignedtoawebsite,thatnumberis ...,TheDNScache(alsoknownasDNSresolvercache)isatemporaryDNSstorageonadevice(yourcomputer,smartphone,server,etc.)thatcontainsDNSrecordsofalreadyvisiteddomainnames(ArecordsforIPv4addresses,AAAArecordsforIPv6,etc.).Itkee,2022年11月30日—AcachingDNSserverworksbyperformi...

Boost your home network with DNS caching on the edge

2022年3月1日 — With a DNS caching service running on your network, once any one device on your network obtains a number assigned to a website, that number is ...

DNS cache explained

The DNS cache (also known as DNS resolver cache) is a temporary DNS storage on a device (your computer, smartphone, server, etc.) that contains DNS records of already visited domain names (A records for IPv4 addresses, AAAA records for IPv6, etc.). It kee

How to Setup a local DNS Caching Server on Linux?

2022年11月30日 — A caching DNS server works by performing all the DNS queries that your system makes and then saving, or caching, the results in memory. Once ...


EdgeDNS can protect authoritative servers (virtual DNS mode), or act as a local cache for responses received from a recursive server. EdgeDNS as a cache for ...

The dnscache program

dnscache is a DNS cache. It accepts recursive DNS queries from local clients such as web browsers and mail transfer agents. It collects responses from remote ...

What Is DNS Cache and How to Flush It

2023年3月31日 — DNS cache refers to the temporary storage of information about previous DNS lookups on a machine's OS or web browser. Keeping a local copy of a ...

What Is DNS Caching?

In the Domain Name System (DNS), caching is the process of temporarily storing DNS records within an operating system, browser, device, or network. DNS records ...

快速安裝DNS Server(Caching Name Server) 壹、DNS概念:

2016年12月5日 — 若您沒有被授權或指定管理某個domain的DNS,但您所管理的電腦數實在太多,您可在您管. 理的區域內,架一個Cache name server,以減輕對外網路的負擔。 DNS ...